4/17/23: The meeting was called to order at Fulton County Museum and Welcome Center, 8848 State Hwy 108, Wauseon, OH 43567 at 7:30 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG). 19 members were in attendance, introductions were made and the Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.

Silent Key: none

Members in Distress: Concern about Steve Breece KC8ROU. Reaching out.

Corrections to Minutes from Previous Meeting: none

Treasurer's Report:

  • Bills to Present: K8BXQ PO Box: $114; ARRL liability insurance: $200

  • Motion to approve: KC8PCU/KE8QJV. Vote approval

FCARC radio equipment:

  • FCARC has obsolete radio equipment--KB8ELG will bring to Summer Hamfest.

  • Plans to purchase new FCARC Field Rig: Yaesu DX10 and Fulton County EMA Office: ICOM 7300. KB8ELG obtaining quotes.

  • Equipment donation not been received from Delta yet.

Repeater Maintenance: KB8ELG is acquiring quotes. Waycom?/Bridgecom?. Bridgecom 250w 6 cavity: ~$1700.

VE/Education Committee: 3/25/23: 9 people tested.


Simplex Emergency Test: 3/25/23 1:00PM. Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Found areas throughout counties which could or could not receive from. Would like to try DMR Simplex test also.


Power supply class: Saturday April 29, 1030 AM. Fulton County Museum and Welcome Center. 8848 State Hwy 108, Wauseon, OH 43567. Will be presented by KB8ELG.


Emergency communication if Repeater should become inactive. New Simplex Net on the Fifth Sunday of the month at 8:00 PM when there are five Sundays in a month. KB8MDF will be Net Control.

  • Discussion if Simplex Net should be monthly, and DMR net should be 5th Sunday of the month. Will discuss more next meeting.


Echolink connection? KD8PUD connecting Echolink expert with KB8ELG. DStar Reflector? Will continue to discuss.

Bud's Midnight Madness: Awaiting KC8ROU return to running the net. KB8QJF and K8CAG have been Net Control. Sometimes unable run Friday nights per personal schedules.


Summer Hamfest: June 3, 2023 at the Woodlot in Tedrow. Promote on air. KB8ELG distributing fliers, has reached out to two vendors. K8CAG can bring PA system? Raffles/Door Prizes? (Geochron? Endfed ½ wave?)


Summer Field Day: 4th Saturday in June at the Woodlot.

  • Planning 10-12 stations, very strategic considering all avenues to achieve points. E-certificate awards? Able to camp, pull in campers the night before. Logbook? Interviews with amateur radio veterans? Invite news channels?

Next Fox Hunt? Dependent on KE8QJV schedule as he will be the Fox.


    Winter Hamfest: Ruiley Park. Arrive time: 0800. Doors open at 0900.


    2023 Christmas Party: FCARC 2023 Christmas Party will be held at the Blue Ribbon Diner in Wauseon.

    Club Nets:

    • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 1st Sunday is the DMR Net on Brandmeister 3171544 (K8BXQ)

    • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Sunday is the Preparedness Net – 147.195+

    • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 3rd Sunday is the Emergency Services Net—147.195+

    • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 5th Sunday is the Simplex Net-- 146.46

    • Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+

    • Wednesday at 8:00pm Wednesday Night Net

    • Thursday at 8pm 6M Net -- 1st Thursday 50.400 AM, 3rd Thursday 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex

    Latest Club Information:

    VE Testing: The club gives testing at 9:00 am the last Saturday of each month at the Fulton County Museum and Welcome Center. 8848 State Hwy 108, Wauseon, OH 43567. Contact Sandra Schwind KE8UTX if interested. Her email address can be found on the k8bxq.org website under the VE Testing section.

    Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

    The next regular club meeting will be 5/15/23 7:30PM at Fulton County Museum and Welcome Center. 8848 State Hwy 108, Wauseon, OH 43567

    A motion to adjourn was made by KE8UJA and seconded by KE8QJU all were in favor.  KB8ELG closed the meeting at 8:42pm


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    Regional Clubs & Repeaters

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    County Information

    More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.