3/18/24: The meeting was called to order at the Wauseon Municipal Building Firemen's Training Room, 230 Clinton Street, Wauseon, OH 43567 at 7:35 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG). 20 members and guests were in attendance, introductions were made and the Pledge of Allegiance was given by all. Gratitude expressed to Jan Tropf for the use of this facility.

Silent Key: none

Members in Distress: W8TUX--hospitalization. KC8ROU?

Corrections to Minutes from Previous Meeting: none

Treasurer's Report: reported by KB8ELG in KB8QJF’s absence. Motion to approve by KC8HDG and KC8PCU. Reimbursing KD8KBU $50 for Masonic Yearbook. Reimbursing KE8OKA $46.50 for Harrison Lake OSPOTA reservation. Motion to approve by KC8PCU and KC8HDG.

Solar Eclipse will occur 4/8/24. KB8ELG met with Fulton County Firechiefs. Large amounts of people are anticipated to be migrating to Fulton County to observe the eclipse; this may saturate cell signals and ability to communicate. Schools will be closed. Fulton County EMA is requesting one amateur radio operator be in attendance at each Fulton County police station and fire department, so 11 operators. Each operator is requested to have a 2m mobile radio, possibly with an amp. KD8KBU will operate an HF radio to communicate traffic to Columbus. KE8OKA will operate as net control at Fulton County Health Center. Swanton is expected to be the primary site. **We are on call. Our services may or may not be needed. WE ARE NOT TO SELF DEPLOY**.

Mock exercise is scheduled Saturday 3/23/24 at 12:00 noon, with all operators to be in place at their assigned sites.

Hams received a link via email to complete FEMA training IS-100, 200, 700, 800. Hams volunteering: KE8ITJ, KE8REG, WB8ZOI, KC8PCU, KE8BHW, KB8QJF, KD8KBU, KD8TUI, W8AKY, WB8HF, KE8OKA, KC8ELG, AA8YY, KB8VTN(?), KE8QFJ(?), KC8HDG (?)

AA8YY is coordinating AR Newsline to air on K8BXQ repeater on Wednesdays and Sundays 7:00-7:30PM.

KB8ELG is exploring various means of bringing wireless internet to the primary repeater shed. He has discussed with FCHC CTO sharing wireless with them. KD8KBU also discussing. Waiting for final decision. A quote has also been obtained from Metallink.

Fulton County Police is requesting our help with various events through the year, including 5/27/24 Masonic Lodge breakfast-- help with parking; Independence Day fireworks Swanton/Delta held on various dates.

Google doc on K8BXQ.org for up to date announcements which is available to net controllers to read during nets. KE8ITJ used during the net last night. Suggested that all docs are read-only status and have a revision date to keep current.

Email issue: KD8KBU and AA8YY investigated further. An issue with our mailer system doesn’t recognize Gmail authenticity. A ticket has been submitted.

Next Fox Hunt: 3/24/24. N8ZGM is the Fox. Meet at Wauseon Municipal Building. We will deploy at 2:00.

Repeater: replacement of new cans (4) postponed. KB8ELG obtained quotes from TXRX and Bridgecom. Bridgecom is less expensive than buying from the factory. These are IRLP and Echolink ready. 

Upcoming events: Summer Ham Fest 6/1/24 at Woodlot in Tedrow. Sweet Nate’s Coffee truck? Summer Field Day 6/23-24/24 at Woodlot in Tedrow. 70th Birthday of FCARC. Camping Celebration at Woodlot 7/29/24? 

W8SRD discussed National Incident Management (NIM) training. SIDS #= FEMA ID #. Member of Williams County Amateur Radio Club is an instructor. Have in person classes this Spring?

KE8YDW discussed possibility of Tri-County Hamfest in 2025 at Williams County Fairgrounds. Will discuss more with KB8ELG.

KB8ELG: FCARC Hamfests at Delta American Legion in 2025?

VE update: Saturday Feb 24, 2024 Justin Mangold KF8AIG attained Technician Class and is a new member of FCARC. Congratulations!

Club Nets:

  • AR Newsline on K8BXQ repeater 147.195+on Wednesdays and Sundays 7:00-7:30PM.
  • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 1st Sunday is the Simplex Net-- 146.46
  • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 2nd and 4th Sunday is the Fulton County Preparedness Net – 147.195+
  • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 3rd Sunday is the Emergency Services Net—147.195+
  • Sunday at 8:00pm on the 5th Sunday is the DMR Net on Brandmeister 3171544 (K8BXQ).
  • Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+
  • Wednesday at 8:00pm Wednesday Night Net
  • Thursday at 8pm 6M Net -- 1st Thursday 50.400 AM, 3rd Thursday 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex


Latest Club Information:

VE Testing: The club gives testing at 10:00 am the last Saturday of each month at the Wauseon Administration Building Firemen's Training Room, 230 Clinton Street, Wauseon, OH 43567. Contact Sandra Schwind KE8UTX if interested. Her email address can be found on the k8bxq.org website under the VE Testing section.

Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

The next regular club meeting will be 4/15/24 7:30PM at the Wauseon Munical Building Firemen's Training Room, 230 Clinton Street, Wauseon, OH 43567.

A motion to adjourn was made by KC8HDG and seconded by KE8YDW all were in favor.  KB8ELG closed the meeting at 8:45pm


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