February 15, 2021

Club Meeting On the Air (147.195) roll: kb8elg (p), kd8zke (vp), kb8elh (t), kd8kbu (s), w8tux (es), kg8fm, kb8gom, kd8wsl, ke8qjv, ke8itj, wb8zoi, ka8kds, k8eju, ke8ase, ke8qfj, ke8qju, ke8bhw, ke8ong, kd8jbs, kg8q, kc8iof, kc8qfs, kc8pcu, ke8oka

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 24 members and guests in attendance on the 147.195+ k8bxq repeater.

Silent Key Report: Tom Servoss (KC8UOM) February 4, 2021

Members in Distress: KA8KDS reported that his pacemaker procedure went as expected and he is feeling well. It was also reported that Bev Walworth’s (KC8UJC) mother Shirley M. Brown passed away, please keep her and George (N8EUY) in your thoughts.

Treasurers Report: no report over the air

Bills to Present: nothing to present

Hamfest Committee: The next FCARC sponsored Hamfest will be the summer trunk swap on June 5, 2021, followed by the Winter Hamfest on December 4, 2021. Both events have been registered with the ARRL. 

Old Business: 

No further requests for assistance from the County EMA at this time, but we will be at the ready should our help be requested.

New Business: 

KD8ZKE will be assuming the role of the VE Liaison to the ARRL. The FCARC has always had an amazing VE Team, who are always ready to help. John has been a VE for a number of years, and looks forward to the task.  John may be calling for a “practice” session to make sure he has all of the procedures in place.  

Emergency Services:

W8TUX reviewed the current snow levels for counties and municipalities in the area and reminded everyone to stay off the roads unless needed for deployment.  He also mentioned that anyone participating in the Emergency Service Net on Wednesday Night should make themselves familiar with the ARRL National Traffic System message form which can be found here: http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Public%20Service/RADIOGRAM-2011.pdf


  • KB8GOM reported that he was able to talk with George (N8EUY) on the Defiance repeater via IRLP. That sparked additional conversation on adding IRLP to the K8BXQ repeater.
  • KG8FM had an inquiry on the radios donated to the club from a local police department. KB8ELG has indicated that he is making progress in reprogramming the units and should have them available to distribute soon. He also had an inquiry of getting wireless access at the main repeater site.  KB8ELG indicated there are several options, including a cellular hotspot.
  • KE8ITJ inquired if the club had any representation with the County EMA, specifically regarding the LEPC and if it would make sense to be included in that committee.  He also made mention we might want to inquire to the County EMA about a grant or special programs where a hotspot could be obtained for use with the club repeater at a discount.
  • KA8KDS wanted to congratulate KD8ZKE on taking the VE Team Lead. 
  • KD8JBS also congratulated KD8ZKE and reminded the group that the Williams County VE team is always available for guidance and assistance.

Upcoming Hamfests:

  • 6/5/2021: FCARC in Tedrow, OH
  • 6/20/2021: Monroe, MI
  • 7/10/2021: Auburn, IN
  • 7/10/2021: Mansfield, OH
  • 7/18/2021: Van Wert

Club Nets:

  • Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+
  • Wed at 8pm FCARC ES Net -- 147.195+
  • Wed at 9pm 6M Net -- 1st Wed 50.400 AM, 3rd Wed 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex

Latest Club Information:

VE Testing: The club gives testing at 9am the last Saturday of each month at the Fulton 248 Masonic Lodge in Delta, OH...contact John Myers (KD8ZKE) if interested, you can find his contact information on the k8bxq.org website under the VE Testing section. 

Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

The next regular club meeting will be Monday, March 15, 2021 at 7:30pm with location to be determined based on COVID conditions in Ohio.

The Net was closed at 8:41pm.

WX Conditions


Regional Clubs & Repeaters

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County Information

More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.