Stated Club Meeting June 15, 2020

Members Present: kb8elg, kd8kbu, w8tux, kg8fm, kd8itj, kb8dil, kd8zkw, kd8wsl, ke8bhw, wd8krs, wb8zoi, kd8zke, kd8pud, nc4ohh, kc8iof, ke8ong

The meeting was called to order at 7:22 pm by KB8ELG, who welcomed everyone to the return of our in-person meetings. Committee reports follow

Members in Distress: no report

Treasures Report: KB8ELH was unable to attend this evening but provided a summary account report read by KB8ELG, not corrections or discussion was requested.

Repeater Committee: AC has been turned on at the main repeater shed, the exterior improvements made last year are holding well and the building is dry inside.

Summer Hamfest: KB8ELG gave a summary of the Hamfest financial report which follows.

Income: 753

  • Ticket Sales: 490

  • 50/50: 140

  • Donations: 100

  • Food: 23

Expenses: 202.45

  • ppe: 107

  • door prizes: 95.45

Net Gain: 550.55

A motion to accept the report was made by W8TUX and seconded by KE8BHW, all were in favor.

Field Day: June 27-28

Setup can occur anytime after Thursday, June 25 at 8:00 pm, although we usually meet as a group to decide antenna placement on the Friday evening before the event. KD8ZKE reports the generator and electrical panel are all in good shape and ready for use.  Due to the current state of the pandemic, we are foregoing the usual potluck dinner.  KC8IOF suggested that each person in attendance pick their favorite pizza and we order in one large group and take home whatever you don't finish. KD8KBU reminded everyone that plans on running that if you have a laptop to bring, please load the FDLOG software for logging QSOs (more information in a separate email).  The event goes "On the Air" at 2:00 pm on Saturday afternoon and runs through Sunday.  Loof for a separate planning email to follow this communication.

Emergency Services: W8TUX will discuss a practice deployment at the July Meeting

OSPOTA: The State Parks on the Air is September 12.  We are unsure if the cookout will accompany it or if we go the pizza route like Field Day.  KD8KBU will work on securing

the Marzolf Shelter House at Harrison Lake State Park.

Good of Amateur Radio:

  • KC8IOF reported that KX8Q was doing well.  He does have a radio but is only on the air an hour or so a day. 
  • KB8ELG wants to hold a VHF Fox Hunt sometime this summer.
  • KB8DIL reported he has a UHF repeater in analog mode on the air at 442.5125 (no PL) for open use.
  • KD8PUD inquired about granting new VE test participants with a one year club membership.  He also asked if we had a summary sheet we could hand out at the VE testing session. 
  • KD8KBU thinks he has an old version he will send his way.
  • KD8ZKE and KC8UOM were able to assist KA8KDS with his antenna project and get him back on the air.
  • WB8ZOI thanked the club for recognizing him for lifetime membership and appreciated the plaque. 

A motion was made to close the meeting at 8:10pp by W8TUX and seconded by KD8WSL, all were in favor.

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