The meeting was called to order at 7:45pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 16 members in attendance, the pledge of allegiance was given by all.

Members in Distress:

Bev Walworth (KC8UJC) continues to make health improvements. George (N8EUY) has a problem with his laptop and is looking for some assistance at the woodlot where they are staying.

The Treasurers report was given a motion was made to accept it by Dave Claar (W8TUX) and seconded by Bob Rosebrock (WB8ZOI), all were in favor.

Hamfest Committee:

The Winter Hamfest is December 7th, 2019.  The location will be the Village of Delta Memorial Hall, the same location as last year. The event has been filed with the ARRL and preparations are under way.  Larry Fountain (KD8PUD) is once again allowing us use of his 8 foot folding tables to get as much sales space as we can.  The club will be reaching out to K8LI to get tickets printed.  The website is already updated for the times and location of the Hamfest.

The summer Hamfest is set for June 6, 2020.  The location will be at the Roth Family Woodlot again.

Repeater Committee:

  • We still need to do some clean up and painting of the building before winter.  We are currently planning on meeting after breakfast on October 5 to replace some face boards and put a fresh coat of paint on.
  • Research was made into adding a weather alert radio or module into the CAT 300DXL.  CAT used to make a WX-250 module for or 300DXL, but it was discovered that CAT is going out of business at the end of October.  We will continue to check into other options.

Old Business:

  • Documentation was found on the clubs tax exempt status, and is good until April 2020.  Renewal fees are $21 and will be addressed early next year.
  • We still need to product a DX Engineering manifest for our County EMA to put in an Amateur station.  KB8ELG will be taking on this task.
  • The research into a License Plate for the Mast Trailer is still on KB8ELG’s task list.
  • The Courthouses on the Air/Ohio QSO party event was a good success.  We were visited by one of the County Commissioners, and several other court houses were contacted. Special thanks to KD8PUD for bringing breakfast.
  • The OSPOTA event was another success.  The contest summary was emailed out to the club earlier, and the picnic was lot of fun (no one went away hungry).

New Business:

  • KB8ELG met with W8TER at Findlay hamfest and was able to communicate that the FCHC radio gear is in place. The first net we can check into is the first Saturday in October.  KB8ELG will coordinate with Becky at the FCHC that we will need access. Date: October 5, Time: 12:00pm. W8TUX is checking to see if he can coordinate with the Swanton Health Care to activate their station. Steve Bellner has a list of hospitals that are unmanned for these practices.
  • We were also reminded of the new Hamfest sponsored by the Black Swamp Amateur Radio Society in Temperance, MI on November 2 (details at

Bills to present:

There was one bill to present for the OSPOTA Picnic provisions.  A motion to pay the bill was made by W8TUX and seconded by Lee Sanders (KE8BHW).

Good of Amateur Radio

  • It was requested that the Emergency Services Net needs an available roster for who runs the net for a given week.  W8TUX sent this list along

1st - W8TUX - Dave Claar

2nd - K8JPD - Jim McBride

3rd - KB8ELG - Bryan Patterson

4th - NC4OH - Tom Lamb

5th - If needed - Who may be available.

  • KB8ELG and W8TUX are looking at holding a Saturday training for running the nets.
  • Lee Sanders inquired if the radio club would want to participate at the Wauseon Chili Cook-off to showcase amateur radio. More discussion at future meetings.
  • KD8PUD made us aware of a silent key, N8HML, who was a close friend, but not a club member.
  • KA8KDS suggested a thank you card be sent to the Delta Church of Christ for making their space available to us for meetings over the spring and summer, KB8ELG to address.

A motion was made to close at 8:31pm by W8TUX and seconded by KD8KBU.

Upcoming Hamfests:

October 13: Kalamazoo

October 27: Madison Heights

November 2: Temperance

November 16: Ft Wayne

December 7: FCARC Winterfest

Club Nets:

Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 8pm FCARC ES Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 9pm 6M Net -- 1st Wed 50.400 AM, 3rd Wed 50.125 USB, all others 52.525 FM Simplex

Latest Club Information:

On the web:

On Facebook:

E-Mail list:

VE Testing:

The club gives testing at 9am the last Saturday of each month at the George's Radio Service in Wauseon, contact Tom Servoss (KC8UOM) if interested, you can find his phone number on the website under the VE Testing section.

Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH.

The next regular club meeting will be Monday, October 21 at 7:30pm at the County Administration Building.

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