Hi folks,

The meeting notes from last months meeting slipped through the cracks for me, I am getting those out now.  Thanks to KB8ELH for taking this notes while I was out of town.  July's meeting notes will follow shortly:

The June meeting of the Fulton County Amateur Radio Club was called to order at 7:35PM by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) at the Delta Church of Christ in Delta, with 11 members and 3 guests present.  The pledge was recited by all.

It was reported that Allen Nash (KC8UQU) is doing well after a hip replacement, and Jim McBride (K8JPD) is doing well after his second knee replacement. It is also reported that Bob Switzer (WA8BHP) became a silent key. 

The finance report was read.  Bob Rosebrock (WB8ZOI) made a motion to accept it, which was seconded by Dave Claar (W8TUX), all approved.

Bills were presented for Field Day and Hamfest expenses.  Cass Telles (KD8MNG) made a motion to pay the bills which was seconded by Dave Claar (W8TUX).

The hamfest saw a revenue of $430, and favorable reports were received from vendors and attendees.

Field Day Setup if planned for the Friday before the event, Craig Szczublewski (KD8KBU) will be able to load the logging software for anyone who wants to bring a laptop out. Dinner is planned for Saturday evening at 6:00pm.  Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) will deliver the portable mast the Friday before.  John Myers (KD8ZKE) will make sure the generator is delivered as well.

Bryan (KB8ELG), David (W8TUX), Craig (KD8KBU), and Jim (K8JPD) met with the Fulton County EMA director to discuss a VHF/UHF station setup in the EMA building.  Bryan and Craig will produce a list of materials needed to put an amateur station in place.  Bryan was also given information on reserving a room in the Robert Fulton building for future meetings.  We were informed the event coordinator for the Museum is working on a WWII and Amateur Radio exhibit.  We would participate in the opening event with HF radios, giving the public a chance to get on the air. 

Good of Amateur Radio:

On the second and fourth Sunday is a net run by Kim Allen (KE8ITJ) at 8pm on the K8BXQ repeater.  

Ben Murray (KD8JBS) picked up the severe weather net on June 1st.

Ron (KB8CBY) reported that he can hear the repeater good off his antenna on the camper in Coldwater, MI.

A motion to close the meeting was made by Bob Rosebrock (WB8ZOI) and seconded by Cass Telles (KD8MNG) at 8:15pm.

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