The meeting was called to order at 7:30PM by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 10 members in attendance.

Silent Key/Members in Distress: none

Finance Report:

The treasurer's report was read with a motion to approve by Jim McBride (K8JPD) seconded by Cass Telles (KD8MNG).  All present approved.

Minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved.

Hamfest Report:

The Hamfest was an overall success, although attendance was down from last year. KB8ELG gave a financial breakdown of costs and income.

Repeater Report:

The main repeater site environmental controls were switched to summer mode.  The backup site is offline and has been for some time.  We plan to work on Sunday, July 1 around 2pm to get those systems back online.

Upcoming Events:

- June 30 is the Swanton Fireworks.  We plan to meet at 7pm near the football stadium.  Please bring an HT, safety vest, and flashlight if you have one.  Bug repellent would not be a bad idea either.  Plan on using 146.460 simplex.

   On the topic of helping out at these events, a motion was made by Jim (K8JPD) to purchase 6 LED safety flashlights. It was seconded by Bill (KD8WSL).  All approved.

- July 13-15 is Delta Chicken Festival.  The Grand Parade is on Sunday July 15 at 2pm.  We have not been officially approached by the committee, but KB8ELG says to expect that to happen.  Please mark this event on your calendar.  We'll provide updates as we have them.

Field Day:

The mast trailer is being prepped the week by KB8ELG

Participants so far:

      John (KG8XG)

      Cass (KD8MNG)

      John (KD8ZKE)

      Bryan (KB8ELG)

      Craig (KD8KBU)

KB8ELG plans to bring a large ham for dinner, all other bring a side to share for Saturday afternoon (plan on 6pm).

Good of Amateur Radio:

- We had a round of discussion on ways to make the meeting more interesting and engaging to members.

- We also discussed potential meeting locations.  KB8ELG will check with local police about using the auxiliary room.


K8JPD gave a presentation on using the ARRL Bureau for sending and receiving QSL cards.  Some highlights from the presentation included:

- Clubs can pool QSL cards to make it more cost effective for members

- Our division QSL manager:

  Arthur S Kamlet

  5519 Naiche Rd

  Columbus, OH 43213

- More info at

We are looking for a meeting topic for July, if you have any ideas on things to present or something you would like to see presented, please let us know.  Some ideas kicked around include effective use of DX clusters and spotting networks, setting up your QRZ page, and tips on busting through pile-ups.

The meeting was called to close at 8:40pm.

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Regional Clubs & Repeaters

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County Information

More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.