The meeting was called to order at 7:35PM by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 9 members in attendance.

The Finance Report and Minutes from the January meeting were read and approved.

Upcoming Events:

TMRA Hamfest is March 18.  Although the club will be provided a table, the hamfest committee is only allowing it to display club related information and events, meaning no sales.  Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) will have tables in case anyone wants to bring things to sell.

The "breakfast club" is taking an unofficial club outing to the Dayton Air Force Museum on 2/25.  We currently plan on having breakfast at the Delta 109 at 7am before heading out.  It's a solid 2.5 hour drive, so we might not get back until 8pm.  I don't know how many are going or who is driving, but we may have a small caravan of vehicles.

Hamfest Committee:

The Summer hamfest is registered for at the ARRL site.  The club page also has the latest information:

Good of Amateur Radio:

KB8ELG urged all members to have S.A.M.E. weather radios with the risk of inclement weather especially with odd warming trends like we have this week.

We were also reminded of the new 6m W8HHF repeater on 53.110- with a Net @ 9pm on Mondays (103.5PL)

KD8KBU talked about a scanner recorder project made with a raspberry pi and an old MT1000, and may publish the recordings of the Analog dispatch channel for Fulton County to a cloud server.


03/04/2018  Elyria (NOARS)

03/17/2018 Kalamazoo

03/18/2018 TMRA

04/29/2018 GMARC Swap / Madison Heights

05/18/2018 Dayton Hamvention (3 days)

06/02/2018 FCARC Summer Fest

06/03/2018 Chelsea

06/17/2018 Monroe

As always, check with the hosting club before assuming the dates are correct.

Further details can be found at the ARRL Website:

Club Nets:

Weeknights at 10:30pm Bud's Midnight Madness Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 8pm FCARC Club/ES Net -- 147.195+

Wed at 9pm 6M Net -- 1st Wed 50.400 AM, 3rd Wed 50.125 USB, All others 52.525 FM Simplex

Latest Club Information:

On the web:

On Facebook:

E-Mail list:

VE Testing:

The club gives testing at 9am the last Saturday of each month at the George's Radio Service in Wauseon, contact Tom Servoss (KC8UOM) if interested, you can find his phone number on the website under the VE Testing section.

Saturday morning breakfast at the Delta 109 at 9:00 AM, in downtown Delta, OH. 

WX Conditions


Regional Clubs & Repeaters

Check here to find links to Regional Clubs & Repeaters in the Northwest Ohio / Southeast Michigan area

County Information

More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.