The F.C.A.R.C. is a group of amateur radio operators located in Northwest Ohio. Our goal is to create excitement about the hobby, serve the communities of Fulton County, and have a little fun while we are at it.
Amateur radio operators enjoy personal (and often worldwide) wireless communications with each other and are able to support their communities with emergency and disaster communications if necessary while increasing their personal knowledge of electronics and radio theory. An estimated six million people throughout the world are regularly involved with amateur radio.
Often unsung, amateur radio operators regularly assist in emergency situations. Hurricane Katrina was no exception. Operators of amateur, or ham, radio were instrumental in helping residents in the hardest-hit areas, including saving stranded flood victims in Louisiana and Mississippi.
The Fulton County Amateur Radio Club was established in 1954. The FCARC is involved with many activities around the area. They have assisted in the 5K & 10K Heart Health Walk/Run. They assist the Archbold Police Department with traffic control for the Lights Before Christmas Parade in November. The FCARC also is involved in the U.S. Wide Emergency Communications Drill, also known as Field Day in June.
The Fulton County Amateur Radio Club offers testing sessions on the last Saturday of every month. Visit the VE Testing page for more information.
2024 Club Officers
President -- Bryan Patterson KB8ELG
Vice President -- Lee Sanders KE8BHW
Treasurer -- Kim Allen KE8ITJ
Secretary -- Gretchen Arno KE8OKA
VE/Education Committee: Sandra Schwind KE8UTX
Repeater Committee: Lindsay Infante K8LI, Bryan Patterson KB8ELG
Field Day Committee: Bryan Patterson KB8ELG, Craig Szczublewski KD8KBU
Memorial Committee: Ed Roth WD8KRS
Hamfest Committee: Bryan Patterson KB8ELG
Fulton County Amateur Radio Club
P.O. Box 521
Wauseon, OH 43567