Meeting Minutes March 18, 2024

3/18/24: The meeting was called to order at the Wauseon Municipal Building Firemen's Training Room, 230 Clinton Street, Wauseon, OH 43567 at 7:35 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG). 20 members and guests were in attendance, introductions were made and the Pledge of Allegiance was given by all. Gratitude expressed to Jan Tropf for the use of this facility.

Silent Key: none

February 19, 2024 Meeting Minutes

2/19/24: The meeting was called to order at the Wauseon Administration Building Firemen's Training Room, 230 Clinton Street, Wauseon, OH 43567 at 7:30 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG). 24 members and guests were in attendance, introductions were made and the Pledge of Allegiance was given by all. Gratitude expressed to Jan Tropf for the use of this facility.

Silent Key: KG8FM sister

Members in Distress: W8TUX--hospitalization

Corrections to Minutes from Previous Meeting: reimbursement to KB8QJF is happening today, not last meeting.

January 15, 2024 meeting minutes

1/15/24: The meeting was called to order at the Wauseon Administration Building Firemen's Training Room, 230 Clinton Street, Wauseon, OH 43567 at 7:30 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG). 21 members were in attendance, introductions were made and the Pledge of Allegiance was given by all. Gratitude expressed to Jan Tropf for the use of this facility.

Silent Key: none

Members in Distress: none


Corrections to Minutes from Previous Meeting: none


Treasurer's Report: reported by KC8ELG as W8TUX not in attendance. Reimbursing KB8QJF $79 for FCARC QSL cards.


2024 Elections for Officers commenced. Ballots were managed and tallied by KC8PCU and KE8BHW. Results are as follows:

President - Bryan Patterson

Vice President - Cody Gingery

Financial Recorder - Mark Raine

Recording Secretary - Gretchen Arno


Letter from Thomas Nickle W8AI read


2024 Fulton County EMA Snow Emergency Help Request

The Fulton County EMA requesting a list of all amateurs with 4x4 vehicles and who would be available and willing to make runs for the County during any snow emergencies.
If you can help, please download and fill in the 2024_EMA_FultonCo_Help_In_Snow_Emergency_Contact_Info.pdf form and email it to Bryan Patterson KB8ELG


WX Conditions


Regional Clubs & Repeaters

Check here to find links to Regional Clubs & Repeaters in the Northwest Ohio / Southeast Michigan area

County Information

More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.