January 2021 Minutes

January 18, 2021

Club Meeting On the Air (147.195) roll: kb8elg (p), kd8zke (vp), kb8elh (t), kd8kbu (s), kg8fm, kg4nxm, ke8itj, kc8hdg, wb8zoi, kb8gom, ke8ong, ke8qfj, kd8qhd, ke8bhw, kd8wsl, kd8jbs, kd8pud, w8tux, ka8kds, kd8eju

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 20 members and guests in attendance on the 147.195+ k8bxq repeater.

Members in Distress: KA8KDS has to undergo a procedure to fix a pacemaker tomorrow and wanted to let the club members know.

Treasurers Report: no report over the air

Bills to Present: nothing to present

Hamfest Committee: The next FCARC sponsored Hamfest will be the summer trunk swap on June 5, 2021, followed by the Winter Hamfest on December 4, 2021. Both events have been registered with the ARRL. 

Old Business: 

  • The club participated in a county EMA COVID-19 testing event by helping with traffic direction and parking.  The EMA thanked us for spending a chilly Saturday morning and afternoon and commented how smooth the ingress and egress traffic flowed for the event.

New Business: 

assistance requested for January 9th

The county EMA has requested assistance from the FCARC members for a drive through COVID testing event being held this Saturday at the Fulton County Fairgrounds. We are asked to assist local officials with traffic to keep things moving as smoothly as possible. Remember to bring a charged spare HT and plan on dressing warm.  We need to meet at the fairgrounds by 9am, and we'll have the exact staging areas closer to Saturday. 

The event is expected to end at 3:00pm, so bring a snack.

Last, please RSVP as soon as possible to Bryan Patterson, kb8elg@hotmail.com / 419-250-6694, so the EMA knows how many volunteers to expect. 

November 2020 Minutes

November 11, 2020

Club Meeting On the Air (147.195) roll: kb8elg, kd8zke, kd8kbu, kb8elh, kg8fm, kc8pcu, ke8itj, kd8jbs, wb8zoi, nc8nc, kd8qhd, ke8owm, wd8pic

The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 13 members and guests in attendance on the 147.195+ k8bxq repeater.

Members in Distress: KD8JBS reports that KC2RCU had surgery recently and is recovering nicely. 

Treasurers Report: no report over the air

Bills to Present: nothing to present

Hamfest Committee: The next FCARC sponsored Hamfest will be the summer trunk swap on June 5, 2021, followed by the Winter Hamfest on December 4, 2021.

Repeater Committee: Building has had exterior maintenance performed, heat is on for winter.

Old Business: 

• DMR integration is still moving forward on the 147.195 repeater, committee reports they are just waiting on credentials to attach to the campus Wifi.

New Business: 

• Larry Kosch (K8EJU) has met the requirements for lifetime member status.


Club Meeting Suspended

Due to the ever-increasing Covid-19 infections, and to keep in compliance with State-ordered mandates on no more than 10 person gatherings of any kind, All in-person meetings of the Fulton County Amateur radio club are hereby suspended until further notice. This will include, but will not be limited to the holiday dinner as well.

Keep well, and stay alert to the ever-changing situation.

Regards, Bryan KB8ELG...

Fulton county Amateur radio club president.

Winter hamfest Cancelled

As unpopular as it may be, I am going to cancel the winter fest for this year. I will contact The village of Delta and the county health department to let them know. I will make sure the village knows we still will need the building on that date for upcoming years.

Bryan Patterson - KB8ELG

September 2020 Minutes

The meeting was called to order with 12 members in attendance.

New Business: 

We are looking for a new recording secretary for the club after the first of the year. Craig (KD8KBU) will be fulfilling the need of our online presence, managing the website, and assisting with the social media accounts, but will be seeking re-election after his term. The major aspects of the position are:

  • Record Proceedings of Stated and Special Meetings
  • Maintain Membership List
  • Communications
  • Publish Hamfest Flyers

Open discussion on the new world of DMR: 

Bill KD8WSL made a motion to allocate $1000 for the integration of DMR to the K8BXQ 147.195 repeater. Larry KD8PUD 2nd the proposal. A vote was taken, motion was passed by 100%. Kim KE8ITJ will be heading up the program.

Maintenance work on the repeater shed is set for Oct-11-2020 just after breakfast at the 109 restaurants.

A fox hunt is to be held on Oct-18th-2020 at 1PM local time. All participants are to meet at the county admin building at 1PM. Operations will be held on 146.460 mc simplex FM.

WX Conditions


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