OSPOTA 2020 Wrap Up

We finished up OSPOTA yesterday with 54 QSOs across 28 parks and 6 states and DX entities (we worked into Quebec), all on 80m. It was not the typical year for this event, only 44 parks were declared as activated, and as far as I know, the others close to home like Mary Jane Thurston and Independence Dam were not activated. Still, the weather was beautiful, we had a few club members stop out, and we got some contesting in. We look forward to next year and the hopeful return of our end-of-summer cookout.

July 2020 Minutes

Members Present: (20) kb8elg, kb8elh, kd8kbu, w8tux, wd8krs, kc8hdg, ke8oka, kd8zke, kd8wsl, kg8fm, ke8itj, ke8own, wa8vec, wb8zoi, ke8bhw, kd8pud, nc8nc, ke8ong, ka8kds (and Marilyn)

The meeting was called to order at 7:31 pm by KB8ELG, who welcomed everyone. Committee reports follow

Members in Distress: K8JPD's health is in decline.  KB8ELG has requested everyone to keep him in their thoughts. 

Treasures Report: KB8ELH presented the financial report.  A motion was made by to W8TUX accept, seconded by KG8FM. All accepted. 

Bill to present: WD8KRS presented a bill for $134.06 for field day/expenses.  A motion to accept was made by WB8ZOI and seconded by KE8BHW. All were in favor.

Repeater Committee: Reports on some de-sense during random times of the day.

Winter Hamfest: December 5, 2020 @ the Village of Delta Memorial Hall.

Field Day: Results have been posted on the club website.

Emergency Services: W8TUX has postponed plans for an emergency services deployment exercise until his work schedule is less hectic. 

Field Day 2020 Wrap Up

The 2020 ARRL Field Day has concluded and the antennas are packed away for another year, reports have been filed, and regrets of eating too much pizza have been reconciled. 

This year was certainly one for the history books as it took place during the global pandemic, requiring us to alter some of our usual activities.

Stats on various modes can be found on our Field Day site: http://k8bxq.org/fieldday 

The end result is that we ran a 5A category, although in hindsight 4A would have been more appropriate.  We logged 369 QSOs across the three available modes and on 5 of the 12 available bands.  We had 20 CW contacts, 120 Digital contacts, and 229 voice contacts. The top three operators were KD8KBU with 120 QSOs, KB8ELG with 108 QSOs, and AB8RC with 105 QSOs. We worked 41 states and 6 Canadian Provinces and Territories. The longest QSO was by KB8ELG to Slovakia. One more interesting point is that on average 20% of the QSOs we complete are to home operators, while this year it was around 74%.

Field Day 2020 is just 12 Days Out!

Hi folks,

First and foremost, the Club Field Day web page can be found here: 


Field Day 2020 is 12 days out and it's time to start thinking about club participation.  We will be setting up at the Roth Family Woodlot in Tedrow / Wauseon again this year, and since we usually only run the 24 hour period, we can begin setup after 8:00pm on Thursday, June 25, although most of us will probably string antennas on June 26 after 5:00pm.  Remember the event starts on Saturday, June 27 at 2:00pm. 

If you are bringing your rig and are planning on running the full 24 hour contest, let us know what bands and modes you are capable of running (remember your license class restrictions, you can only run where you are licensed for).  If you have a laptop for running the logging software please bring it along with your rig and antenna system.  Make sure to bring plenty of power extension cords to tie into the generator, as well as plenty of antenna feed line so we are not setting up on top of each other. 

June 2020 Minutes

Stated Club Meeting June 15, 2020

Members Present: kb8elg, kd8kbu, w8tux, kg8fm, kd8itj, kb8dil, kd8zkw, kd8wsl, ke8bhw, wd8krs, wb8zoi, kd8zke, kd8pud, nc4ohh, kc8iof, ke8ong

The meeting was called to order at 7:22 pm by KB8ELG, who welcomed everyone to the return of our in-person meetings. Committee reports follow

Members in Distress: no report

Treasures Report: KB8ELH was unable to attend this evening but provided a summary account report read by KB8ELG, not corrections or discussion was requested.

Repeater Committee: AC has been turned on at the main repeater shed, the exterior improvements made last year are holding well and the building is dry inside.

Summer Hamfest: KB8ELG gave a summary of the Hamfest financial report which follows.

Income: 753

  • Ticket Sales: 490

  • 50/50: 140

  • Donations: 100

  • Food: 23

Expenses: 202.45

  • ppe: 107

  • door prizes: 95.45

Net Gain: 550.55

A motion to accept the report was made by W8TUX and seconded by KE8BHW, all were in favor.

WX Conditions


Regional Clubs & Repeaters

Check here to find links to Regional Clubs & Repeaters in the Northwest Ohio / Southeast Michigan area

County Information

More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.