Live Amateur Radio Technician Class

This is a class open to the public who would like to consider getting their ham radio license. You can attend in person at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints located at 858 South Shoop Ave, Wauseon OH or you may attend via Zoom with the link provided. We plan to hold the class on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7pm. The cost of the class is free, however we do encourage students to purchase a technician license prep book, or download an app for their device to assist them with their study. The purpose of the class is to reinforce some of the material you will study, and the majority of the preparation will be on your own time. This class will be a great help to have success in passing the test. Successful operation of ham radio will happen hands on once you are licensed!

OSPOTA 2022 This Saturday

Hi folks,

OSPOTA 2022 is next Saturday, September 10, and I wanted to supply a few details for those planning to attend.  The radio contest portion starts at 10:00 am and runs until 6:00 pm.  Details about the rules, modes of operation, and bands used can be found here:…; The main site has a bunch of other information, including park maps.

We will be at the Marzolf Shelter House on the South West side of the park, It is best to come in from County Road M.  

As usual, we will have a cookout, with plans to heat the grill up sometime between noon and 1:00 pm. 


July 2022 Meeting Minutes

7/18/22: The meeting was called to order at 930 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 18 members in attendance, introductions were made and the pledge of allegiance was given by all.

Silent Key: None

Members in Distress: None

Treasurers Report: Treasurer absent tonight. We have been unable to access account at Farmers and Merchants Bank in Delta. KB8PUD has discussed with Karen the manager at Farmers and Merchants Bank Swanton branch who has offered assistance. *Update* an appointment has been made for KB8ELG, W8TUX, KE8OKA to meet with Karen the manager at Farmers and Merchants Bank Swanton branch 7/23/22 at 1000.

WX Conditions


Regional Clubs & Repeaters

Check here to find links to Regional Clubs & Repeaters in the Northwest Ohio / Southeast Michigan area

County Information

More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.