5/19/24: The meeting was called to order at the Wauseon Municipal Building Firemen's Training Room, 230 Clinton Street, Wauseon, OH 43567 at 7:30 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG). 21 members and guests were in attendance, introductions were made and the Pledge of Allegiance was given by all.
Silent Key: none
Members in Distress: KC8ROU: struggling with kidney issues. KE8ITJ son: on path to kidney transplant list. KC8PUD: shoulder surgery. WD8KRS: eye surgery. W8TUX leukemia in remission.
Corrections to Minutes from Previous Meeting: none
Officer update: K8CAG has stepped down as Vice President per work schedule. KB8ELG appointed Lee Sanders KE8BHW who accepted. KB8QJF has stepped down as Treasurer. KB8ELG appointed Kim Allen KE8ITJ who accepted.