Mark your calendars for a new contest

This contest is still very much in the early planning stages, but we have marked a date we want to attempt this on. September 25, 2021 will be the first ever (that we know of) Masonic Lodges on the Air contest, a.k.a. CQ More Light!

The goal is simple, activate as many Masonic Lodges as possible and try to log a QSO with them.  More rules and scoring will be forthcoming, but for now, know that the date for this is intended to be the Saturday of (or immediately following) the Autumnal Equinox. You do not need to be a Freemason to participate in this contest, in fact, we would encourage any Masonic Lodge to open their doors (or property) to host an event with local HAMs. 

Keep checking back as we expand into Social Media and provide further content related to the upcoming contest.

Event help needed July 10th

KB8ELG informed me that the Delta Police are requesting our assistance for two events during the Delta Chicken Festival.  There is a 5k run through Delta starting at 7:30 am on July 10, which they would like help with monitoring and traffic control.  Plan on being at Delta Park by 7:00 am for assignments.

The second event is on the same day at 10:30 am which is the Parade.  This has traditionally been on Sunday but has been moved up a day.  

If you are available to assist, please let me or KB8ELG know.

The 6 meter net is moving!

KB8ELG announced that effective next week the 6 meter Net is moving from Wednesday nights at 9pm to Saturday nights at 9pm.  The monthly schedule for modes (AM/FM/SSB) still holds true. The next 6 meter net will be May 1 on 50.400 AM at 9pm.

April 2021 Minutes

Club Meeting On the Air (147.195) roll: kb8elg (p), kd8kbu (s), kb8elh (t), kg8fm, ka8kds, kd4ujy, wb8zoi, ke8qjv, kd8pud, nc8nc, ke8qks, ke8itj, ke8qfj, kb8gom, w8tux, ke8reg, kd8jbs, ke8oka, k8eju

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 19 members and guests in attendance on the 147.195+ k8bxq repeater.

Treasurers Report: no report over the air

Bills to Present: nothing to present

Hamfest Committee: The next FCARC sponsored Hamfest will be the summer trunk swap on June 5, 2021, followed by the Winter Hamfest on December 4, 2021. Both events have been registered with the ARRL.

Old Business:

  • KE8ITJ reported that the radio club now has a seat on the County EMA LEPC committee. He will be acting as a liaison for the club to the county.  The next meeting will be on May 20 which he will be attending. 

Emergency Services:

  • Emergency Services Deployment was conducted on April 14. A noted weak area in the northwest corner of Fulton County was noted.  We had participants from three different counties. K8LI: 7, Simplex: 12, HT’s: 9


WX Conditions


Regional Clubs & Repeaters

Check here to find links to Regional Clubs & Repeaters in the Northwest Ohio / Southeast Michigan area

County Information

More information about Fulton County, the communities, and common frequencies used.