Club Meeting On the Air (147.195) roll: kb8elg (p), kb8elh (t), kd8kbu (s), w8tux (es), kd8zke (vp), kg8fm, kd8qhd, kd8wsl, kb8gom, ka8kds, wb8zoi, ke8itj, ke8qfj, ke8qjv, ke8eju, ke8ong, nc8nc, ke8reg
The meeting was called to order at 7:30pm by Bryan Patterson (KB8ELG) with 18 members and guests in attendance on the 147.195+ k8bxq repeater.
Silent Key Report:
Members in Distress: nothing to report
Treasurers Report: no report over the air
Bills to Present: nothing to present
VE Testing: KD8ZKE reported three interested in testing for March 27.
Hamfest Committee: The next FCARC sponsored Hamfest will be the summer trunk swap on June 5, 2021, followed by the Winter Hamfest on December 4, 2021. Both events have been registered with the ARRL.
Old Business:
KD8ZKE is now officially the VE lead for the Fulton County VE Team.
No further requests for assistance from the County EMA at this time for their Covid clinics, but we will be at the ready should our help be requested.